14 Suggested career options for persons suffering from Schizophrenia

Patients of schizophrenia are advised to take up low stress jobs. Whether the former are able to work depends on the severity of their symptoms. Most of them are advised to take up physical jobs as the disease seriously affects the functioning of the brain. Generally, they should not take up people intensive jobs which involve a lot of interaction with people. Frequently people with schizophrenia are known to struggle with social situations.

We look at some suitable career options-

Photographer- This job may not involve much interaction with people. You can shoot photographs and sell them. Also, you can do this job whenever you are mentally well and don’t have to depend on other people.

Assembling electronic devices such as TVs, computers and mobiles- You can do this job on your own. It is a repetitive job in which you get better with time. There is not much interaction with people here.

Writing – You can do this job at your own pace preferably without deadlines. You don’t have to depend on other people to complete your job.

Cook – If you have a passion for cooking become a full time cook and whip up delicious and nutritious food. This is an independent job that doesn’t tax the mind/brain.

Counsellor-  You can counsel people on academics, career moves and even how to survive with serious mental illness such as Schizophrenia.  This is a good option as you have to handle a single person or small groups of people.

Email marketing/Chat support – There are many non-voice jobs where you have to send out marketing emails or provide customer support/technical support via chat or email. The best part is that the other person can’t see you.

Checking exam/test papers – You do not have to interact with people here. More over you can take breaks and work whenever you are feeling well.

Own business – The advantage here is that you do not have to report to anyone and you have the freedom to work whenever you want.

Data Entry – This is a low stress job and basically involves interaction with just your computer.

Computer Programmer – This is a career option for schizophrenics with above average intelligence and interest in programming. It pays well and may not involve intense people interaction.

Baby sitter – This is a low stress job that doesn’t tax the brain. You don’t have a boss or have to go to a corporate environment.

Transcription – If you have good typing speed then you can take up this low-stress non-people intensive job.

Online Tutor – Today there are many online tutoring jobs where the pay is decent and you don’t have to face a large audience. Plus, it is repetitive and you get better at your job with time.

Consultant – If you are a qualified medical or legal professional or have technical knowledge you could work for a few hours everyday offering your expertise.

The above list is by no means exhaustive. You may have skills or interests to do other kind of jobs despite being a schizophrenic. Good luck for your job hunt.

Myths about Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a major and severe mental illness. However, it is also probably the most misunderstood disease. In this article, we examine some myths about schizophrenia. The person having the illness is called schizophrenic though this practice is being discouraged. The politically correct term is people with schizophrenia in order to separate the afflicted individual from the mental illness. You don’t call a person suffering from cancer a cancerite, do you?

  • Myth: Schizophrenia is caused by some curse or is an act of god.

Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain just as cancer is a physical illness. There are medicines that treat this brain disease. Just like diabetes cannot be cured but can be controlled so is schizophrenia.

  • Myth: Marriage will cure Schizophrenia

Only medicines can treat schizophrenia. While marriage might provide emotional support to the schizophrenic it is never going to treat or cure the condition. It is advisable to reveal the condition before getting married. Otherwise, it will lead to problems later.

  • Myth: Willpower will cure Schizophrenia

Just as diabetes or any other physical illness cannot be cured by willpower and requires medicines so does a brain disease like schizophrenia. People with this illness are not weak or lack willpower.

  • Myth: Schizophrenics do not try hard enough to cure their condition

Schizophrenia is a serious brain disease. The sufferer cannot just try and come off it. It is not caused by a character flaw.

  • Myth: Bad parenting causes Schizophrenia

Many times the parents are blamed for causing schizophrenia. This myth is absolutely false and lacks basis.

  • Myth: Schizophrenia is multiple or split personality

Split personality is a different disorder altogether. Schizophrenics don’t have several personalities. The brain doesn’t function properly in this illness.

  • Myth: Schizophrenics can’t work

This assumption is only partly true. While some schizophrenics cannot work or can do only low- stress jobs there are some schizophrenics leading independent and productive lives. The ability to work depends on the severity of the illness.

  • Myth: All Schizophrenics have the same illness

The severity of the illness varies from individual to individual and from time to time. You will find schizophrenics having normal periods as well as times when they are unwell.

  • Myth: Eating non-vegetarian food makes Schizophrenics violent

This assumption is totally false. There is no evidence supporting it.  Vegetarian schizophrenics have the same prognosis as non-vegetarian schizophrenics.

  • Myth: Schizophrenics are violent or dangerous

While there is a possibility that schizophrenics can have violent episodes if they go off their medicines the violence is usually directed against a known person or persons. Schizophrenics are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators. If they are regularly taking their medication the risk of violence is only the same as that of the general population.

  • All Schizophrenics need to be hospitalized

While this was true a generation back, improvements in psychiatric medicines have resulted in a majority of schizophrenics being able to live healthily and safely in their own homes. Note that this is no small achievement. Today a majority of schizophrenics have very few or no hospitalizations. Only the most severe cases require prolonged hospitalization.

Tips to overcome panic attacks

You may have heard of the phrase ‘panic attacks’. It is a mental disorder which is very common. The disorder is a kind of anxiety subtype. Symptoms include sudden onset of excessive and overwhelming fear, pounding of heart, sweating, trembling, and fear that you are dying or going to go crazy. Though typical panic attacks last usually for ten to fifteen minutes for the sufferer the period seems an eternity. Many sufferers live in fear of stigma and shame in case their condition becomes public. Panic attacks can deteriorate to become panic disorder a condition in which the sufferer avoids people, places and situations which are likely to trigger panic attacks in him/her.

There is no existential changer
Remember that panic attacks are temporary and do not last forever. They do not pose any danger to the afflicted. However, they can severely limit the sufferer’s social and occupational activities. Some people even confine themselves to home in fear of exposing themselves to panicky situations.

Is there a cure?
There is no magic pill to cure or treat panic attacks effectively. Conventional psychiatric medicine has its limitations. But do not lose hope. There exist many techniques currently to bring panic attacks under control.

We take a look at some of them.

Paper bag breathing
When a person is experiencing a panic attack he starts inhaling too much oxygen a condition known as hyperventilation. To counteract this, he/she needs to inhale carbon dioxide. Take a paper bag and breathe in and out of it until the panic subsides.

• Chamomile
This is an ancient remedy to cure panic. Sip on chamomile tea and you will find the panic melting away. Carry it around in a small flask as it will give you courage and confidence to face the world.

• Aromatherapy
Smelling your favorite fragrance has a destressing effect. I particularly recommend Lavender. You may have your own preferences which you can try.

• Take a cold bath/shower
This has the effect of dousing the fire that is panic attacks. It improves blood circulation and is a potent stress buster.

• Lie down on the bed and close your eyes
This will relax you and prevent you from seeing any triggers that may exacerbate panic. It has a relaxing and destressing effect.

• Lose weight
As per scientific studies, obesity increases the risk of panic attacks. Losing the extra pounds may help improve the condition.

• Challenge the negative or unrealistic thoughts
Though some panic attacks have no obvious trigger, they may be caused by emotional/mental stress or negative thinking. Typically, the sufferer assumes the worst in the midst of a panic attack. This worsens the symptoms of the attack. So, tell yourself that certain catastrophes are unlikely to happen or reassure yourself that there is no danger to you.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Some techniques may work for you while some won’t. The experience will tell you what works for you and you may discover some techniques that are not featured on this list. Don’t forget to put them into action when, unfortunately, a panic attack strikes and experience the difference. Good luck for all you panic attack survivors.