Tips to overcome panic attacks

You may have heard of the phrase ‘panic attacks’. It is a mental disorder which is very common. The disorder is a kind of anxiety subtype. Symptoms include sudden onset of excessive and overwhelming fear, pounding of heart, sweating, trembling, and fear that you are dying or going to go crazy. Though typical panic attacks last usually for ten to fifteen minutes for the sufferer the period seems an eternity. Many sufferers live in fear of stigma and shame in case their condition becomes public. Panic attacks can deteriorate to become panic disorder a condition in which the sufferer avoids people, places and situations which are likely to trigger panic attacks in him/her.

There is no existential changer
Remember that panic attacks are temporary and do not last forever. They do not pose any danger to the afflicted. However, they can severely limit the sufferer’s social and occupational activities. Some people even confine themselves to home in fear of exposing themselves to panicky situations.

Is there a cure?
There is no magic pill to cure or treat panic attacks effectively. Conventional psychiatric medicine has its limitations. But do not lose hope. There exist many techniques currently to bring panic attacks under control.

We take a look at some of them.

Paper bag breathing
When a person is experiencing a panic attack he starts inhaling too much oxygen a condition known as hyperventilation. To counteract this, he/she needs to inhale carbon dioxide. Take a paper bag and breathe in and out of it until the panic subsides.

• Chamomile
This is an ancient remedy to cure panic. Sip on chamomile tea and you will find the panic melting away. Carry it around in a small flask as it will give you courage and confidence to face the world.

• Aromatherapy
Smelling your favorite fragrance has a destressing effect. I particularly recommend Lavender. You may have your own preferences which you can try.

• Take a cold bath/shower
This has the effect of dousing the fire that is panic attacks. It improves blood circulation and is a potent stress buster.

• Lie down on the bed and close your eyes
This will relax you and prevent you from seeing any triggers that may exacerbate panic. It has a relaxing and destressing effect.

• Lose weight
As per scientific studies, obesity increases the risk of panic attacks. Losing the extra pounds may help improve the condition.

• Challenge the negative or unrealistic thoughts
Though some panic attacks have no obvious trigger, they may be caused by emotional/mental stress or negative thinking. Typically, the sufferer assumes the worst in the midst of a panic attack. This worsens the symptoms of the attack. So, tell yourself that certain catastrophes are unlikely to happen or reassure yourself that there is no danger to you.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Some techniques may work for you while some won’t. The experience will tell you what works for you and you may discover some techniques that are not featured on this list. Don’t forget to put them into action when, unfortunately, a panic attack strikes and experience the difference. Good luck for all you panic attack survivors.